Wishing On A Starr Read online

Page 5

  Minutes later, they arrived at their destination. The knots in Daniel’s stomach remained tight as he stepped out of the car and handed his keys over to the valet. Before entering the building, he offered Gia his arm.

  Her winning smile melted another inch of his heart. This time he noted it held a certain familiarity and he was taken aback by it.

  Both handed their coats over at coat check. At the hostess stand, they were greeted with smiles before being shown to their reserved table.

  “This place is beautiful,” Gia cooed as she glanced around. “Have you been here before?”

  “A few times.” He held out her chair.

  When she lowered into her seat, he gently slid her closer to the table and whispered in her ear. “The food here is exquisite.”

  She sucked in her breath. “Then I can’t wait.”

  Before Daniel moved away, he caught the soft floral scent of her hair and the tangy sweet fragrance of her perfume.

  “Good evening.” Their waitress appeared and immediately rattled off the specials of the day.

  Daniel didn’t hear a word the woman said. He simply couldn’t pull his gaze away from the beauty sitting across from him.

  “I’ll give you a few minutes to decide,” the waitress ended, and then drifted away.

  “You’re going to have to stop that,” Gia said slyly, grinning at him.

  “Stop what?”

  “Staring at me like that.”

  A rush of embarrassment scorched his face as he finally succeeded in glancing away. “Sorry.”

  “No need to apologize,” she said warmly. “It’s actually kind of sweet...but it’s also making me nervous,” she confessed.

  He was surprised by the information, especially since she seemed so calm, cool, and collected. “In that case, I’ll try not to stare.”


  “But no promises,” he added with a smile.

  Gia blushed and made another sad attempt to squash the mad fluttering in her stomach. Her long bouts of silence weren’t caused by indifference or melancholy. She honestly couldn’t seem to control her emotions. His lingering gazes had the same effect as a lover’s caress and his voice...

  She permitted herself a soft sigh. She could easily cuddle up and listen to him talk all night. Her reaction to him was confusing, wonderful, and scary-all at the same time.

  When the waitress returned, both confessed that they had yet to take a peek inside the menu and requested a few more minutes to make their decision. Even that turned out to be a game of stolen glances.

  The man had no right to look so good, she mused, nor did he have the right to be so perfect. She couldn’t remember a man opening car doors, or holding out chairs for her. Not to mention that he also adored his daughter, loved the holidays, and was a physician. And even though she didn’t care for doctors, she could easily see herself caring for this one.

  Daniel wasn’t the kind of man a woman just dated casually. She knew without a doubt, he was the kind you kept-a “death ‘til you part” kind. The million-dollar question was whether she was ready for a relationship-truly ready.

  A part of her screamed, yes. Then there was that part that ebbed at her soul and recycled a question in her mind: What if you get hurt again?

  The waitress’ third appearance jarred her out of her reverie and she arbitrarily selected an appetizer and an entree.

  “Hmm. Those are very good choices,” the waitress said, accepting the menu. “And what about you, sir?”

  “I’ll have what the lady is having,” he replied with a smirk and handed over his menu.

  When they were left alone, the couple’s gazes met once again. How in the world was she going to eat if she didn’t tame those damn butterflies?

  “You’re going to have to forgive me,” Daniel said after the silence. “I’m a little out of practice.”

  “Don’t worry,” she assured him. “You’re doing fine.”

  His widening smile stirred her butterflies and she finally gave up in trying to control them. Their conversation remained light and on safe topics until they were halfway through their main course.

  “Does dating ever stop feeling like you’re cheating on your dead spouse?” Daniel asked out of the blue.

  Gia’s heart squeezed as she stared into his intense gaze. “It hasn’t for me.”

  Daniel nodded, but then settled back in his chair. “Do you mind telling me about him?”

  She clenched her jaw against the threat of tears. It had been so long since she’d talked about her husband. When Jermaine first passed away, everyone had been so busy telling her how she needed to move on, or how to bury the past, that she was reduced to just speaking his name in the confinements of her dark and lonely bedroom.

  “What would you like to know about him?” she asked cautiously before taking a sip of her wine.

  “I guess first, what was his name?”

  Smiling, she lowered her glass. “Jermaine.”

  “Jermaine,” Daniel repeated with a healthy dose of respect. “How did you two meet? And more importantly, what did he do to make you fall in love with him?”

  The tears continued to inch their way toward the rim of her eyes, yet, it felt incredibly wonderful to breathe life back into a man whose footprints walked beside hers for a brief time in her life.

  “I don’t remember how I met Jermaine,” she stated honestly. “He was just always there and I can’t remember a time when I didn’t love him. Like I said, Talboton is a small place. Everyone knows everyone. Children you played with on your first birthday are the same ones you graduate with from high school. It was the same for Jermaine and I-except I’d dropped out of high school when I got pregnant and married Jermaine.”

  She caught the question in his expression before he had a chance to voice it. “I know I told you that I didn’t have any children...but the truth is more complicated than that.”

  Daniel stretched his hand out to cover hers. “Look you don’t have to discuss this if you don’t want to,” he assured her.

  “I know,” she whispered and gently flipped his hand over and caressed his palm.

  Daniel sucked in a breath and pulled his hand away.

  Surprised, Gia also pulled back and settled her hands into her lap. “Is something wrong?” she asked.

  His eyes glossed, but no tears fell as he shook his head. “No.” He stretched his hand across the table again and waited. “I have a feeling that everything is just how it’s supposed to be.”

  Gia stared at his long fingers and then into his dark eyes. Without another thought, she placed her hand back into his. He’s a keeper, a voice floated inside of her head.

  But am I ready?

  Their date floated like a dream and Gia never did get around to telling Daniel the truth about her daughter. Instead, the couple conversed about the trials and heartaches of being the spouse left behind. When dinner came to an end, Gia praised how much she enjoyed the evening.

  “It’s not over yet,” he said, starting the car.

  Gia glanced at her watch and noted it was nearing eleven. “I don’t know. It’s getting kind of late.” The longer she was with him, the more in danger she was to losing her heart. “I really-”

  “Come on. Trust me. You’re going to love this next stop.” Daniel winked, and then surprised Gia by taking her to Brooklyn to the Up and Over Jazz Café.

  “You’re a fan?” she inquired, gazing over at him.

  “Fan is too mild a word,” he confided as he led her to a small circular table near the front. “Wait until you get a load The Eddie Allen Quartet,” he whispered, pulling out her chair.

  Gia didn’t have the heart to tell him that she didn’t know the first thing about jazz. Her music heroes were a weird mesh of Michael Jackson and Run DMC; however, when an older gentleman lifted his saxophone and played a soul-stirring melody, she was hooked. Throughout the song, she couldn’t pull her gaze way from the musician. And though there were no words, she was certain
that it was a song about loneliness and heartbreak.

  When the haunting melody ended, she wiped her tears and applauded.

  “I hope that means you like it?” Daniel asked.

  “That was beautiful,” she said, mopping her eyes again.

  “Yeah. T.K. Blue can play a mean sax.”

  “Ladies and gentlemen, welcome to the lovely Up and Over Jazz Café,” T.K. greeted the audience. “We hope you’ll enjoy your evening with us tonight. If this is your first time, please make yourself right at home.” He smiled and then squinted down into the front row. “Well, well. Look who we have here with us tonight.”

  Gia followed the man’s gaze and was stunned that it landed on her date.

  “Dr. Daniel Davis,” their host laughed. “Mighty long time since we’ve seen you here.”

  Daniel gave him a tentative nod and a broad smile.

  “Maybe if we ask nicely, we can get the good doctor to join us on a few numbers.”

  “No, no,” Daniel chuckled.

  However, the crowd applauded and tried their best to coax him up on the stage.

  “You should play,” Gia also encouraged. Dr. Davis was full of surprises.

  He shook his head. “It’s been too long.”

  “C’mon, man. Get your butt up here,” T.K. commanded.

  “I would love to hear you play,” Gia said sweetly.

  Daniel hesitated and stared into her eyes. “In that case, I’ll do it…for you.” He winked at her and stood from his chair.

  She watched him as he made his way to the stage while the applause grew louder. The musicians huddled for a moment and then finally Daniel took his place behind the piano.

  The band instantly launched into a snazzy number that had Gia tapping her feet and rocking in her chair. Daniel’s talent left her utterly amazed. Pure unadulterated joy radiated from Daniel and, in turn, she enjoyed herself that much more.

  After two head-rocking, toe-tapping songs, a beautiful full-figured woman made her way from behind the drumset to take the front microphone.

  “I figured, we would do a little number to get everyone in the mood for the holidays,” Daniel informed the audience from his bench. “A few of you out there know that Christmas is my favorite time of the year.” He glanced at Gia. “So we’re going to do one of my favorite songs.

  She smiled back and enjoyed the feeling of those fluttering butterflies.

  He tickled the ivories for a brief while and Gia instantly recognized the song.

  The female singer cooed seductively into the mike. “I really can’t stay.”

  “But baby it’s cold outside,” Daniel’s velvet voice joined in.

  “I’ve got to go away.”

  “Oh, baby it’s cold outside.”

  Gia shook her head and laughed at memory of their brief conversation before coming to the café. It was a great rendition and they received a thunderous applause at the end.

  “I guess this is goodnight.” She smiled.

  “Sorry I kept you up past your bedtime.”

  “I’ll live.”

  He nodded and inched closer. “I really had a nice time.”

  “So did I,” she managed to respond as the air thinned in her lungs.

  “Does that mean we can do it again sometime?” He leaned in another inch.

  “Sure. I’d like that.”

  “When?” His warm breath rushed again her cheek.

  Her brain fogged and scrambled her thoughts. “Huh?”

  Daniel smiled. “When would you like to go out again?”


  “Yes, when?”

  It was on the tip of her tongue to ask him to come back in a few hours for breakfast, but she knew such a request would make her come off as too eager. “Whenever you’re free,” she finally settled on saying.

  “Tomorrow night?” he asked.

  His lips now were just inches away from her mouth. She was practically salivating for the taste of him. “Tomorrow will be great.”

  “Good. I’ll pick you up at the same time tomorrow.”

  Gia opened her mouth to speak, but was caught off guard when Daniel’s lips pressed gently against hers. A soft moan escaped her as her arms drifted up and around his neck. She drew him closer and marveled how he tasted like heaven and sin at the same time.

  He’s the kind you keep. She moaned again though she knew the voice in her head spoke the truth.

  He’s the kind you keep. Gia could feel the tears rising behind her lashes.

  He’s the kind you keep. She sighed and finally ended their kiss. “Goodnight,” she whispered and turned toward her door.

  “Until tomorrow,” he whispered back.

  She closed her eyes and shivered at the feel of his warm breath against the shell of her ear. “Until tomorrow.” She entered her apartment and closed the door without chancing a glance back. It wasn’t until she secured the locks did she allow herself to exhale.

  She was on dangerous ground, she knew. After knowing Daniel for less than forty-eight hours, she already knew that she didn’t want to go back to a life without him. She pondered that thought for a moment. She had completely lost her mind, but the revelation refused to change. “Oh, Jermaine. What should I do now?”

  Chapter 7

  The streets of Manhattan was a madhouse while Starr, Neve, and Daniel shivered and quaked for nearly five hours on Fifth Avenue, waiting for the lighting of the Christmas tree. As the time neared 9:00 p.m., the night was abuzz with excitement.

  “Are you girls ready?” Daniel asked, draping his arms around each of the girl’s shoulders.

  Starr nodded. She would’ve answered, but she was more concerned about her inability to feel her toes.

  How cold do you think it is?” Neve asked as she tried to huddle closer.

  “Like fifty below or something ridiculous like that,” Starr answered and leaned against her dad.

  “Hey, you’re the one who wanted to come down here,” Daniel reminded her with a chuckle. “We could’ve stayed in the comfort of our nice warm home and watch this whole thing on television.”

  “Yeah. How come we couldn’t make our wish at home?” Neve asked.

  “Because we had to be here in person for it to work,” Starr reasoned with a flash of annoyance.

  “Said who?” Neve challenged.

  “It’s common sense,” Starr said. “Whoever heard of making a wish via a television set?”

  “Girls, girls,” her father interrupted. “Calm down. We’re here, so lets make the best of it.”

  The best friends’ narrowed gazes softened and seconds later, they flashed each other smiles.

  “We have less than five minutes,” Her dad announced after a glance at his watch.

  “So how come you didn’t invite your new lady friend to come here with us tonight?” Starr asked. “And when am I going to meet her?”

  “Whoa. Whoa.” Daniel held up his hands. “Please tell me that my daughter isn’t butting her nose in grown people’s business.”

  “C’mon. You know you like her.” She elbowed him. “You’ve been out with her several nights in a row.”

  He shook his head. “I don’t hear you.”

  “Yeah, you like her. I heard you singing in the shower this morning. It must have been some date last night. Where did you go?”

  “Starr, I’m not going to discuss this with you,” he reprimanded out of embarrassment more than anger.

  In response, she twinkled a smile at him.

  A minute later, he nodded. “Yeah, I like her.”

  “Ten, nine, eight...”

  Starr turned expectant eyes toward the tree. “Don’t forget to make your wishes exactly when the lights come on,” Starr shouted.

  “Four, three, two, one...”

  The lights flashed on-and the Christmas tree was an instant glorious sight. Starr, Neve, and Daniel all slammed their eyes closed and made a wish...

  Gia opened her eyes and sighed into the night.

; “What did you wish for?” Bernie asked, leaning toward her. “Please tell me it was for the winning lottery numbers.”

  Gia shook her head and exhaled a long stream of white frost. “Don’t be silly. You know I don’t believe in such nonsense.”

  “Oh, no?” Bernie’s smile widened. “Then why were your eyes closed?”

  “I’ll tell you what I wished for.” Tonya turned and popped into the conversation. “A car.”

  Bernie groaned at the major hint her sixteen year-old daughter tossed her way. “The only car you’re getting after those pathetic grades you’ve been pulling is a Matchbox car.”

  “Amen.” Bernie’s husband, Vinny, tossed back his head with a hearty chuckle.

  Tonya rolled her eyes and then gave Gia a wounded look.

  She sympathized with a casual shrug. Of course, she knew Tonya’s one D in a long list of As was not going to deter her parents from buying the hard-working teenager a car. But, her parents got a kick out of making the teenager squirm.

  Gia returned her attention to the breathtaking seventy-nine foot Christmas tree and drew in a long, cold breath. When Tonya told Gia to make a wish upon the star, she had at first thought to wish for her company to have a banner year in business, then she thought about Daniel, then Ma Belle-which surprised her.